Helping all people become passionately devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.

It's time! Join with us and worship the Lord!

Sunday School


Bible Based

Committed to the Gospel
We have a modern style of worship with a goal of Biblically-accurate songs, and we sometimes still sing hymns with an updated arrangement. We also share in Communion weekly and celebrate baptisms regularly.

Family Focused

A Multi-Generational Church
You can check in nursery, preschool, and elementary ages when you arrive where they will be cared for by our ministry teams, with a Bible lesson and games geared for their age. We also have adult Sunday school classes and groups weekly.

Community Caring

Making an Impact
Grace Life Church genuinely loves its people and our community, serving thousands of people in Brevard County. Our pantry, ministry partners, and missions projects help us extend the Gospel from around the corner to around the world.

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Starting in 2024, we shifted all of our Groups to a semester-based model. This means that our leaders & teachers don’t get burnt out, and that new groups and studies are forming throughout the year! This is a great way to grow as a Christ-follower! Sign up today!
Download the ChurchCenter app below to get started.

Caleb's Kin

Weekly on Tuesday, 11:00am - 12:00pm

This online group meets on Tuesday mornings at 11am on Zoom, led by John Mansur. For the January - March se ...

Faithful Followers

Weekly on Monday, 6:30pm - 8:00pm

This Monday Night Group meets in person and online, led by one of our Elders, Brian Boyer, and meets off-ca ...

Grace Life Students

Weekly on Wednesday, 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Weekly Middle and High School youth, meeting at the Youth House for fun, fellowship, and growing in their f ...

J.B Walker's Sunday School Class

Weekly on Sunday, 9:00am - 10:00am

Join us from 9-10am on Sunday mornings as one of our Elders leads the class through a study of Ephesians, f ...

Light Seekers

Weekly on Monday, 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Join up online via Zoom for this virtual small group! Meeting on Monday nights at 6pm, this semester's focu ...

Men's Group

Weekly on Thursday, 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Weekly men's gathering, focused on "iron sharpening iron" (Proverbs 27:17) and becoming stronger men for ou ...

Mike Lovan's Sunday School Class

Weekly on Sunday, 9:00am - 10:00am

Join this group on Sunday mornings before worship! From 9-10am they will be studying on the book titl ...

New Folks Connect Group

Weekly on Wednesday, 6:30pm - 8:00pm

This group is for new people starting off at Grace Life Church! Led by one of our Elders, Simon Cole, they  ...

Prayer Group ("Fight Night")

Monthly on Sunday, 6:30pm - 7:30pm

This group meets once a month in our Grace Café to pray and seek the Lord, trusting Him to do the sp ...

Soul Sisters - Women's Group

Weekly on Wednesday, 10:00am - 11:30am

This new women's group meets Wednesday mornings from 10:00-11:30am. Led by one of our members, Nicolle Camp ...

Our Gatherings


Sunday School – 9:00am

Café -10:00am

Service -10:30am

Your Generosity Matters

Each and every act of generosity at Grace Life Church matters and helps to change the lives of others for the Gospel. Gifts and service are acts of worship that cultivate our faith, give glory to God, and impact our community. Through your giving and our ministry and missional partners, we are able to reach those near and far with assistance, meals, and more.

Here are some highlights from 2024:

Families Served at grace pantry
Believers Baptized
Kids in Grace After School
Global Missionaries Supported